What even is Discordia???

Discordia was my last game after the cancelled barista game, unlike other games I've made, it was not started as something I actually wanted to make but rather an asignment for a class, however, although the conception of the game was driven by an assignment, or obligation, the process of developing it was another story, as it felt not only as if I was making something I wanted to do, it also allowed me to take things less seriously. The quality of Discordia as a game is debatably equal if not better to that of Tag pengiuns, a game I spent almost 3 months developing, let's take into account that I developed Discordia in 6 days, 6 sleepless and tiresome days of hard work and imagination, purely fueled by the desire to bring my ideas to life, and tea. I've learned so many things in this 6 day period, and I wanted to share some of these things, or at least compile them into something tangible, well, a website isn't exactly tangible, so I may have to print this, but that'll be another story. I'll tell you this, I learned from that game that, you shouldn't take things waaaay too seriously, and you should lower your ambition to be realistic, that's what I did with this game, I tried to care less about quality, to let go of some features and things, and to just enjoy making it, that was the secret to making a great game.


The barista game was cancelled 8 months ago, but you can still feel the influence of that game bleed onto this one, both are visual novels with similar character designs, although I would argue Discordia is more of a comedy centered game, while the canceled barista game was meant to be centered on the story and characters. You may actually spot some recycled characters appear in Discordia, now that I think about it it's just one, the police officer transformed into a janitor, oh well.

Many games are parodied in Discordia, if I remember correctly they should be: Metal Gear Solid, Tokimeki Memorial, Final Fantasy (4), OutRun and WarioWare (Kind off). The most interesting one of these is definetly Tokimeki Memorial, you'd probably be surprised if I told you that the same guys (and also girls because if my japanese knowledge is correct, there were many female names in the credits) who worked on Metal Gear Solid made Tokimeki memorial some years before, but if you play both of them you'll notice just how similar they are (I'm not joking, I don't even know why I'm saying this, but they ARE VERY SIMILAR, YOU CAN FEEL THE KONAMI INFLUENCE FLOWING THROUGH YOUR VEINS AND ALSO IN CASTLEVANIA SYMPHONY OF THE NIGHT IT LITERALLY FEELS LIKE PLAYING TOKIMEKI MEMORIAL, OR DOES PLAYING METAL GEAR AND CASTLEVANIA FEEL LIKE TOKIMEKI MEMORIAL SINCE IT WAS RELEASED EARLIER??? I DON'T KNOW BUT BELIEVE ME ON THIS ONE).

Why Discordia is the way it is

I wanted to make a simple yet replayable game, I feel like I at least achieved an enjoyable and 30 minute long game, my most obvious choice was to make a visual novel since, well, it's SPANISH, WHAT ELSE ARE YOU GOING TO MAKE??? A FIRST PERSON SHOOTER?? Oh by the way, play the game first to understand what I'm gonna be talking about here, so, Citlali is the only "Anime" character just because I thought it would be funny for a detailed character to coexist with scrappy vectors, there are some real life people in this game like Xicotencatl and GĂ©nesis, apart from that some references to teachers and jokes between my friends (Like the choke factory or the fight against normies). The frog at the beginning was the mascot for a site